Final Neighbourhood Plan

Please click on the links below to view the full set of documents  which constitute the final submission of the Gargrave Neighbourhood Plan. These documents are now with Craven District Council for review and inclusion in the Craven Local Plan.

There is to be a Consultation Period for the Gargrave Neighbourhood Development Plan to run from Monday 25 June to Monday 6th August 2018.  Attached below is a copy of the relevant press release which has been forwarded to the Craven Herald for publication and see further details on the Planning News page on this website.

Gargrave Sub consultation Press Release June 2018

Submission Documents

Submission Letter to D Smurthwaite May 2018


CDC consultation-statement-May 2018-gargrave-ndp


Gargrave Habitat Regulations Assessment (November 2018)

Gargrave Strategic Environment Assessment (November 2018)

Table 1 Craven DC comments

Table 2 Consultation Bodies

Table 3 Landowners and Developers

Table 4.1 Local Residents

Table 4.2 Local Residents