Please see below for the latest press release on the YDNP Management Plan. If you would like to take part in the first public consultation please complete the online survey link below.
This is to let you know that the first public consultation on updating the Yorkshire Dales National Park Management Plan has just been launched. A copy of the press release can be found here.
The online survey link for you to complete to respond to the consultation can be found here.
The consultation is being run on behalf of the partnership of local organisations and interests that is responsible for producing the Plan. The partnership wants this to be a ‘wide and open’ consultation, simply asking people to identify the key issues that they think the revised Management Plan most needs to tackle.
The consultation period will last 6 weeks, ending on Monday 26 February.
There is also a short film, which we hope will encourage people to respond and which we will be promoting through social media etc – which can be found here. Obviously, we would like to get in as many responses as possible, so do please share and promote the consultation with as many other people as you think appropriate.
Separately, the National Park Authority has also commissioned and produced a film showcasing the National Park’s Special Qualities – the landscape, wildlife, heritage and communities of the Dales. Hopefully, it shows why it’s worth people caring about what happens to the National Park in the future.
A link to the survey and lots more information about the Yorkshire Dales National Park Management Plan can also be found on the Yorkshire Dales National Park website.
The results of the consultation will be published in March, and will be used to inform the production of a series of ‘Evidence Reports’, which will be published in April. The Evidence Reports will then be used to start to identify potential objectives for inclusion in the updated Plan.
In the meantime, if you have any questions about the consultation then please just ask.
Kindest regards
Josie Wilson PA to the Director of Conservation & CommunityDirect: 01756 751629Switchboard: 0300 456 0030
Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority |