What is Happening Nationally?
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF. 2012) sets out government policies on planning and replaces most of the Planning Policy Statements which were in existence prior to this. The NPPF influences local planning through Statutory Development Plan documents. All local planning policies and decisions on planning applications must take into account what the NPPF says. As part of the NPPF, every local planning authority must create and implement a Local Plan.
The Local Plan provides the basis for determining planning applications and future developments in regional areas. An example of this would be that Craven District Council (CDC) must prepare a Local Plan which provides a certain number of houses per area over a set period of time. The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment site reports (SHLAA) represent areas of land which offer the potential to fulfil the Local Plan housing quota.
Local authorities should engage with local people in preparing their Local Plans, to produce policies that reflect the views and aspirations of communities. Craven District Council have been holding informal engagement sessions to generate some initial feedback about suggested sites from the local community. However, the development of a Local Plan is an ongoing process and Craven District Council must have further stages of consultation before a Local Plan is formed. For more information regarding the process, and to view sites that have been put forward for potential development in Gargrave, please visit the following link:
Gargrave’s Neighbourhood Plan, dated July 2016, was submitted for inclusion in the Craven Local Plan. To view this document please click on the link below:
Gargrave Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan
A further agreed revision to the plan was issued in March 2017. This revision was to remove the Old Sawmill site as an option for development due to concerns over flooding.
This final plan is to be incorporated into the Craven Local Plan which itself is due for agreement by June 2017. To view this plan please click on the link below.
Gargrave Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan March 2017
It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that some consultation bodies were not informed of the Regulation 14 Public Consultation and therefore there will be a further 6 weeks to allow representations to be submitted by these organisations. The extended consultation will run from Monday February 8th until 5pm on Monday March 21st.
Anyone who has submitted comments previously need not resubmit as all previously submitted comments are being given due consideration.
(Regulation 14 Town and Country Planning, England Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012)
This notice advises you that Gargrave Parish Council has published the Gargrave Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan for consultation.
Gargrave Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan has been prepared by a working group of local residents and parish councillors (GNPWG) on behalf of Gargrave Parish Council, and is published for formal consultation until 21st December 2015.
The Plan has been prepared building on an extensive process of informal public consultation including questionnaire surveys, open meetings and drop in events, and the results of this process have helped to identify the key planning issues which the Plan should address. The Plan sets out a vision and objectives and a number of planning policies, which will be used alongside the Craven District Local Plan to guide new development in the designated neighbourhood area of Gargrave until 2030. THE CONSULTATION PERIOD RUNS FOR 6 WEEKS FROM 5th NOVEMBER TO 5pm 21ST DECEMBER.
The Draft Plan and other supporting documents can be viewed and downloaded from this website Hard copies of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed in the following locations at normal opening times:
- The Pharmacy –
High Street, - The Co-
op Supermarket – High Street, - The Post Office –
- High Street, St Andrew’s Church,
- The Library, Parish Council Office –
Village Hall, - the 3 Public Houses –
The Masons Arms, The Old Swan, and The Anchor Inn
Hard copies of the Representation Forms will be provided on request from the Parish Clerk (see contact details below) but the Parish Council also welcomes comments by email or in writing. Please submit all comments on the Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan to:
Gargrave Parish Council, Gargrave Village Hall, West Street Gargrave BD23 3RD email:
Following the public consultation process on the Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Plan will be amended and submitted to Craven District Council together with supporting documentation, including a Basic Conditions Statement and Consultation Statement setting out who has been consulted, how the consultation has been undertaken and how the representations received have informed the Plan.
Craven District Council will then re-
The plan below can be downloaded as a PDF using the following link: Plan and Notification GDND