Gargrave Public Toilets – Standing Orders

PUBLIC TOILETS – GNAT (Gargrave Needs A Toilet) Group

GNAT (Gargrave Needs A Toilet…)  – Call for Standing Orders  

We’re inviting both villagers and visitors to set up Standing Orders to help provide a guaranteed income from which we can pay for cleaning.  We already have standing orders ranging from £2 per month to £30 per month, and would be so glad of some more, of any size to help us reach our target.  We just need another £150 per month to be able to pay for cleaning. 

Our bank details are:

                                Account Name   GNAT

                                Account Number              53123018

                                Sort Code                            01-07-93

We’d be glad to hear from those setting their standing orders up – please get in touch with me via 07778 980994 or

Many thanks

Bee Faulkner

GNAT Chair

July 2021



January 2020

The public toilets in the middle of the village are now being run by a group of volunteers, GNAT (Gargrave Needs A Toilet), who took over the day to day running of the loos from Gargrave Parish Council on 1st January 2020.  As public toilets are permitted to remain open despite the current Coronavirus restrictions,  GNAT is continuing to keep Gargrave’s open.

The GNAT group  has arranged a rota of volunteers to do the cleaning on a daily basis whilst inviting funds for the toilet’s future maintenance and supplies.  They also hope to raise enough funds to be able to employ a paid cleaner at some point in the future. 

If you would like to volunteer on the cleaning rota or help with fundraising, or to enquire about regular giving to the GNAT Group, or to request a Gift Aid form, please contact Bee at or 07778 980994.